Chimere Communities: Lesotho 2023

Chimere Communities at the Hub – Morija with Lineo Segoete and Sello Majara

The Hub only initiative of its kind in Lesotho, The Hub is a creative technology lab that provides affordable access to computers, the internet, a library, and digital media training in Morija.
Our primary target is young people between the ages of 10-35, and through our various activities, we aim to foster a community of young people in Lesotho who are skilled, inspired, motivated and socially conscious.

‘Mamohale – The Tale

A Chimère Communities (Morija) Project

This comic idea came from the collaborative effort of The Chimère Community members from Morija who decided on creating a fictional comic based on the story of Thaba-Bosiu. A mystical but historical mountain, key to the history of the Basotho people and Morena Moshoeshoe who was the founder of the Basotho nation. The protagonist of the story is a young woman called ‘Mamohale, who is destined to be a hero to the people.

Chimère Zine – Volume 1

The ‘Mamohale Comic book is a product that came from a collaboration held in Morija in 2023, with Chimère Communities, Art1st and The Hub in Morija, Lesotho.

Workshops at The Hub – Morija



