Chimere Communities: Lesotho 2024

three days of workshops, creation and exhibition development with Jonathan O’hear, Colin Frank, Nathalie Ponlot, Raymond MacDonald and Maria Sappho only initiative of its kind in Lesotho, The Hub is a creative technology lab that provides affordable access to computers, the internet, a library, and digital media training in Morija.
Our primary target is young people between the ages of 10-35, and through our various activities, we aim to foster a community of young people in Lesotho who are skilled, inspired, motivated and socially conscious.

Day 1: Workshops in building experimental arts practices

On the first day the community developed a series of interdisciplinary artistic projects made in collaboration with Chimere, focusing on various elements of experimental practice. These included multi-media collage and image transfers, improvised music practices and experimental approaches to sound and AI audio generation, and found object and recycled materials sculpture building.

Day 2: Developing group projects

On the second day the community developed their own ideas, exploring various mediums including the creation of logos, clothing designs, weaving patterns, books and stories, musical compositions, and activist posters.

Day 3: Creation of prototypes and presentation of an exhibition

On the final day, the community finalised ideas for their projects and worked towards making initial prototypes towards the presentation of a in person exhibition at the Hub.



